Wednesday 31 March 2010

"This is the end" (The Doors; Song: The End; Album: The Doors)

I can't quite believe that I'm writing my final post for 23 Things and that I managed to reach the end by the deadline (and also that I thought of over 23 related song lyrics by bands I like; sometimes more of a challenge that the task set for the week!)

I started 23 Things a few weeks in, spurred on to get involved by all my colleagues at SSL that were taking part (the main topic of tea break conversation was 23 Things, so it was essential to take part really!). I'm glad that I did as I've throughly enjoyed the 23 Things experience, though at times it has been hard work trying to keep up to date with all of the tasks, and I've done a lot of it in my own time rather than at work. Also, having so many colleagues taking at work part meant that you instantly had someone to go to if you were having problems and already had lots of available candidates when tasks required you to send something to someone etc

The Web 2.0 tool that I enjoyed using the most was actually the thing that I thought I would enjoy the least, and that was my Blog. At first I was a bit nervous about creating one and was a bit concerned about what I would write and imagined suffering from writers block continually. In fact I've found it to be the exact opposite and can quite easily type away, rambling on with ease. I've especially enjoyed fiddling about with the design of it, adding photos, gadgets etc to make it more interesting, and having a nosey at other peoples Blogs to see how they found the tasks set.

The 'Thing' I enjoyed the least was LinkedIn. I could see it potential and how some people would find it really useful but I didn't feel it was for me and did feel comfortable about adding lots of details about myself to it; so now 23 Things is over I will delete my profile from it.

Other highlights were Flickr, RSS feeds and podcasts. I also enjoyed getting to grips with Twitter (as everyone seems to be using it) although I'm not sure how much I will use it in the future, where do people find the time to send constant Tweets??

To sum up, it's just nice to feel more confident about using lots of Web 2.0 tools and to have an understanding of how they work and their potential for Library use. The next step will be getting together with other colleagues to evaluate what we have learnt and see which things we could use here at the SSL for the benefit of staff and readers.


  1. Congratulations on reaching the end! Glad you've enjoyed it and found it useful. I'm looking forward to seeing what the SSL does now so many of you are web 2.0-ed up :)

  2. Hey Dawn, well done for finishing - look forward to seeing you at the 23 things party!
